I would like to ask the pasta town bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and broocations, I gave MM a lot of burden. It seems useless? Intersection
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Send girl bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches, skirts, perfumes ... can increase favorability, but I personally think it is worthless, it is better to go to ship.
If you want to increase your favorability, you must grasp what they like.
. For example: Perbuli
Birthday: Summer 3 (10th)
Site: chicken farm
favorite things: fried eggs, vegetable meat egg rolls , Egg fried rice
The things that like and hate
I like it very much: Wow, thank you. (The name of the protagonist) I like what you give.
strawberry, apples, eggs (general, high quality, special, gold, P, X), chocolate, Sugdw apple, HMSGB apple, AEPFE apple, sandwiches, fruit juice, strawberry milk, cooking milk, cooking Eggs, pudding, apple pie, apple sauce, apple roast, egg rice, cookies, chocolate cookies, ice cake, chocolate cake, hot cake, leisure tea, diamond, pink diamond n
Like: Wow, thank you
The pineapple, honey, egg yolk sauce (S, M, L, G, P, X), milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), grape juice, grape juice , Wheat flour, bread, stew, pot bakery, roasted potato, tomato sauce, popcorn, roasted corn, pineapple juice, pumpkin pudding, sweet milk pudding, hot milk, bamboo shoot rice, grape sauce, toast, French toast, assorted sushi, university, university, university Taro, leisure tea, three -color flower, cat mint, wool group (S, M, L, G, P, X)
ordinary: Thank you.
able potato, cucumber, cabbage, tomato, corn, onion, carrot, sweet potato, spinach, bamboo shoots, wild grapes, mushrooms, pine mushrooms, hot spring eggs, cheese (S, m, l, g, p 、X)、肉丸粉、油、咖喱粉、饭团、腌黄瓜、沙拉、咖喱饭、味噌汤、炒青菜、炒饭、果奶、玉米片、烤地瓜、凉拌青菜、奶油、奶酪蛋糕、干酪、 Mushroom rice, pine mushroom rice, sushi, jam bread, cream bread, grape bread, curry bread, fish fillets, fish, pizza, Udon, curry Udon, sky fur lid rice , Sky bran noodles, dried roasted noodles, hot buckwheat noodles, brown bran Luo, pre -building cooking, moon -viewing ball balls, roasted rice balls, porridge, sky bran rice rice, fried meat cakes, fish cakes, remembrance grass, small fish, medium medium, medium medium Fish, big fish, spring sun, summer sun, autumn sun, winter sun, moon tears, blue fantasy grass, red fantasy grass, wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), diamond, Weed
hate: I hate this!
radish, pumpkin, eggplant, green pepper, buckwheat flour, rice cake, vegetable juice, vegetable milk, mixed milk, pickled radish, tomato juice, stewed pumpkin, grilled eggplant, grilled rice cake, freezing, freezing Mine, copper, silver, gold, secret silver, Ourha steel, stones of sages, moon stones, amethyst, desert rose stones, agate, fluorite, olives, yellow jade, ruby, emerald, Alexander n
is very annoying: ah, annoying! …I do not want.
The poisonous mushrooms, cyan grass, green grass, red grass, yellow grass, orange grass, purple grass, blue grass, white grass, white wine, rejuvenation agent, big cresters, wake -up, reflection剂、大醒神剂、野葡萄酒、失败作(在碟子上的、饮品、盛在锅里的、点心、面包、乌冬)、石、枝、海盗之宝、古代鱼化石、空罐、长Boots, fish bones, wood, golden wood, feed, chicken feed, fans, slate, bottle of loading faces
others: Ah, this is for me? awesome! Feeling like an adult.
bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches
others: What is this? Oh, perfume ... what, give me? Wow, thank you.
others: Is this for me? awesome! I want to show it for my mother.
skirt, mask, moisturizing cream, sunscreen
Birthday: Spring 16 (20th)
favorite things: hot milk, moon -viewing balls, red fantasy grass
The things that like and hate
Wow: Wow! Is this for me? Thank you, I am so happy.
The hot milk, moon -viewing balls, red fantasy grass
I like it very much: Thank you, I am so happy. Is it really for me?
strawberry, milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), meatball powder, strawberry milk, response grass, three -color flower, cat mint, cyan fantasy grass, diamonds, pink diamonds , Fan Zhi Slate, Bottle of Links
Is like: Thank you, I am very happy.
The green grass, purple grass, blue grass, black grass, white grass, grape juice, chocolate, annual cake, salad, sandwiches, vegetable milk, mixed milk, strawberry sauce, popcorn, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, Pumpkin pudding, sweet potato pudding, cold green vegetables, pudding, cheese cake, apple pie, apple sauce, grape sauce, French toast, fish fillet, cooking fish, assorted sushi, pre -built rice cakes, university taro, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cooking, Chocolate cookies, ice cream, cakes, chocolate cakes, hot cakes, leisure tea, leisure tea, small fish, medium fish, big fish, purple crystal, yellow jade, ruby, emerald n
The radish, potato, cucumber, cabbage, tomato, pumpkin, pineapple, eggplant, carrot, spinach, bamboo shoots, wild grapes, honey, apples, mushrooms, pine mushrooms, hot spring eggs, eggs (generally , High -quality, special, gold, P, X), egg yolk sauce (S, M, L, G, P, X), cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), green grass, red grass,橙色草、油、小麦粉、咖喱粉、饭团、面包、回力剂、大回力剂、醒神剂、大醒神剂、荞麦粉、SUGDW苹果、HMSGB苹果、AEPFE苹果、腌黄瓜、咖喱饭、炖品, Miso soup, pot burn, fruit juice, fruit milk, harmonious juice, pickled radish, roasted potato, corn slices, roasted corn, pineapple juice, stewed pumpkin, grilled roasted eggplant, roasted sweet potato, boiled eggs, cream, cheese, apple roasted, roasted by apples, apples, grilled apples, roasted apples, rice, and apples, roasted by apples, apple, Bamboo bamboo shoot rice, mushroom rice, pine mushroom rice, sushi, jam bread, cream bread, grape bread, curry bread, toast, pizza, Udry, curry Udon, sky fur lid rice, udon roasted, buckwheat noodle, Sky bran noodles, dried roasted noodles, hot buckwheat noodles, salamanders, roasted rice balls, porridge, salamander rice, egg rice, fried meat cakes, spring sun, summer sun, autumn sun, winter sun , Moon Tears, Wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), wool group (S, M, L, G, P, X), copper, silver, gold, secret silver, Ourha steel, Vajrayana, sages' stones, moon stones, desert rose stones, agate, fluorite, olives, Alexander
hate: no ... don't accept ... you will say that I will pick three pickers ...
corn, onion, green pepper, yellow grass, wine, wild wine, fried vegetables, fried rice, tomato sauce, fried eggs, vegetable egg rolls, egg fried rice, waste ore n n n
I hate: How do you give me this kind of thing? Hate!
The poisonous mushrooms, failed works (on discs, drinks, snacks, bread, udon), weeds, stones, branches, pirate treasures, ancient fish fossils, ancient fish fossils, ancient fish fossils, Empty pots, boots, fish bones, wood, gold wood, feed, chicken feed
others: wow. Is this for me? Thank you, I will use it well.
The bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooch
others: I ... I have not sprayed so big. Thank you, I'm so happy.
others: wow, so beautiful. Is this a gift for me? thanks.
skirt, mask, moisturizing cream, sunscreen
Birthday: Summer 17 (22)
R n I like things: cheese, pine mushroom rice, cake, hot cake
The things that like and hate
State specially: great! Intersection Can I accept it? thanks.
The cheese, pine mushroom rice, cake, hot cake
I like it very much: Can I accept it? Wow! Great! thanks. rnrn温泉蛋、巧克力、年糕、沙拉、咖喱饭、炖品、炒青菜、炒饭、锅烙、三文治、草莓牛奶、南瓜布丁、烤地瓜、菜肉蛋卷、蛋炒饭、 Pudding, cheese cake, apple pie, bamboo shoot rice, mushroom rice, sushi, curry noodles, sky bran covered rice, udon, buckwheat noodles, sky bran noodles, roasted rice cakes, ice cake, chocolate cake, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamond, Pink Diamond
In I like: Thank you, I am very happy!
strawberry, tomato, pineapple, wild grapes, apples, eggs (general, high quality, special grade, gold, P, x), egg yolk sauce (S, M, L, G, P, x) , Milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), grape juice, meatball powder, rice ball, bread, buckwheat flour, SUGDW apple, HMSGB apple , AEPFE apple, pickled cucumber, miso soup, fruit juice, vegetable juice, vegetable milk, blending juice, mixed milk, pickled potato, strawberry sauce, tomato juice, popcorn, corn slices, pineapple juice, sauce roasted eggplant, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato Pudding, cold green vegetables, fried eggs, boiled eggs, apple roasted, jam bread, cream bread, grape bread, toast, French toast, fish fillet, assorted sushi, Basha, curry Udon, dried roasted noodles, hot hot, hot Buckwheat noodles, salamanders, pre -built -in cooking, roasted rice balls, porridge, salamander rice, egg rice, university taro, cookies, chocolate cookies, leisure tea, big fish, amethyst, yellow jade, ruby, emerald, fans, fans, fans The slate, the bottle of the loading letter
ordinary: Thank you. rnrn萝卜、马铃薯、黄瓜、包心菜、玉米、洋葱、南瓜、茄子、胡萝卜、地瓜、菠菜、青椒、竹笋、蜂蜜、蘑菇、松蘑、葡萄酒、油、小麦粉、咖喱粉、 Wild wine, fruit milk, tomato sauce, roasted corn, stewed pumpkin, hot milk, cream, apple sauce, grape sauce, boiled fish, moon -viewing balls, fried meat cakes, fish cakes, leisure tea, response grass, small fish, medium medium, medium medium Fish, spring sun, summer sun, autumn sun, winter sun, three -color flower, moon tears, cat mint, cyan fantasy grass, red fantasy grass, wool (S, M, G, P, x ), Woolen group (S, M, L, G, P, X), olives
hate: Give me?嗯…谢谢… rnrn青色草、绿色草、橙色草、紫色草、蓝色草、黑色草、白色草、回力剂、大回力剂、醒神剂、大醒神剂、 Failure (the dishes, drinks, looting in the pot, snacks, bread, udon)
very annoying: What is this! Throw it away! rnrn毒蘑菇、红色草、黄色草、废矿石、铜、银、金、秘银、奥里哈钢、金刚石、贤者之石、月亮石、沙漠玫瑰石、玛瑙、 Fluorite, Alexander, weeds, stone, branches, pirate treasures, ancient fish fossils, empty pots, boots, fish bones, wood, gold wood, feed, chicken feed n
Intersection It looks expensive, for me! Intersection Thank you ... thank you.
The bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches
others: Hmm ... it is useless to hold perfume. ... No matter what happened? …thanks. I will cherish it.
others: this ... send me? thanks.
skirt, mask, moisturizing cream, sunscreen
Birthday: Autumn 15 (23)
n I like things: roasted potatoes, popcorn, pizza
The things that like and hate
Wow: Wow! Can I really accept it? really sorry.
This potato, popcorn, pizza
I like it very much: wow! Is this really sent me? I really like.
Profil bamboo shoots, pine mushrooms, cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), wine, wild wine, fish slices, sacrifice Luo, sky diamonds, pink diamond
Like: Thank you. I accepted it.
able potato, cucumber, corn, pumpkin, eggplant, sweet potato, spinach, green pepper, hot spring egg, egg (general, high quality, special grade, gold, X), egg yolk sauce (S L, G, P, X), pickled cucumber, salad, miso soup, fried vegetables, pickled radish, roasted corn, stewed pumpkin, grilled eggplant, cold vegetables, fried eggs, cream, cheese, fish, dried rice noodles , Egg rice, fried meat cakes, three -color flower, moon tears, cat mint, cyan fantasy grass, red fantasy grass, amethyst, yellow jade, ruby, emerald n
ordinary: Thank you.
The radish, strawberry, cabbage, tomato, onion, pineapple, carrot, wild grapes, mushrooms, milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), meatball powder, oil, wheat flour, Curry powder, rice balls, bread, rice cakes, curry rice, stews, fried rice, pot bapties, sandwiches, fruit juice, fruit milk, vegetable milk, harmonious juice, tomato sauce, corn slices, pineapple juice, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat, vegetable meat Egg rolls, egg fried rice, boiled eggs, pudding, hot milk, bamboo shoot rice, mushroom rice, pine mushroom rice, sushi, cream bread, curry bread, toast, French toast, assorted sushi锣盖浇饭、乌冬烧、荞面条、天麸罗面、筑前煮、赏月丸子、烤年糕、烤饭团、粥、鱼糕、消闲茶、消闲茶叶、小鱼、中鱼、大鱼、 Spring sun, summer sun, autumn sun, winter sun, olives, bottle installed
hate: sorry. I do not like this.
The honey, apple, green grass, green grass, red grass, yellow grass, orange grass, purple grass, blue grass, black grass, white grape juice, chocolate, forceback agent, big return force Agent, awakening agent, wake -up, buckwheat flour, SUGDW apple, HMSGB apple, AEPFE apple, mixed milk, strawberry sauce, strawberry milk, pumpkin pudding, sweet potato, cheese cake, apple pie, apple sauce, apple sauce, apple sauce, apple sauce, apple sauce, Apple roasted, grape sauce, jam noodles, grape bread, hot buckwheat noodles, university taro, cookies, chocolate cookies, ice cake, chocolate cake, hot cake, response grass, agate, fluorite n n n n n n n n n n n n n
is very annoying: ah. You give it to others next time?
The poisonous mushrooms, failed works (on discs, drinks, snacks, bread, udon), wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), Wool group (S, M, L, G, P, X), waste ore, copper, silver, gold, secret silver, Ourha steel, diamond, sage stone, moon stone, desert rose stone, Alexander stone, large stone stone, Weeds, stones, branches, pirate treasures, ancient fish fossils, empty pots, boots, fish bones, wood, gold wood, feed, chicken feed, fans of the slate
Intersection For ... why? Thank you ... thank you.
bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches
others: wow! excellent. Can I really accept it? I'm so happy, I want to show off with them.
others: wow! Is it really possible? Thanks!
skirt, mask, moisturizing cream, sunscreen
Birthday: Winter 20 (23)
favorite things: vegetable juice, vegetable milk, leisure tea
The things you like and hate
Stremia: Ah, thank you! Can I really accept it?
Buchi juice, vegetable milk, leisure tea
I like it very much: wow, so happy! Thank you, then I will accept it.
Profil bamboo shoots, wild grapes, poisonous mushrooms, pine mushrooms, cyan grass, red grass, black grass, white grape juice, meatball powder, chocolate, awakening agent, grapes, grapes, grapes, grapes Bread, chocolate cookies, chocolate cakes, leisure tea, response grass, diamonds, pink diamonds, lame slate, bottle of loading faces
In: Wow, so happy! I like this.
tomatoes, pumpkin, pineapple, pineapple, honey, apple, golden eggs, egg yolk sauce (S, M, L, G, P, X), cheese (S, M, L, P, X, x ), Yellow grass, orange grass, purple grass, blue grass, SUGDW apples, HMSGB apples, AEPFE apples, strawberry sauce, strawberry milk, tomato juice, pineapple juice, pumpkin pudding, stewed pumpkin, cheese, apples, apple pie, apple, Apple sauce, apple roasted, bamboo shoot rice, grape sauce, mushroom rice, pine mushroom rice, jam bread, moon -viewing ball, wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), wool group (S, M, L, G, P, X), amethyst, yellow jade, ruby, emerald
ordinary: Thank you, thank you.
The radish, potato, cucumber, strawberry, cabbage, corn, onion, eggplant, carrot, spinach, green peppers, mushrooms, hot spring eggs, eggs (general, high quality, special grade, P, x)) 、牛奶(S、M、L、G、P、X)、绿色草、葡萄酒、油、小麦粉、咖喱粉、饭团、面包、回力剂、大回力剂、荞麦粉、年糕、野葡萄酒、沙拉、炖Products, miso soup, fried vegetables, sandwiches, fruit juice, fruit milk, blended juice, mixed milk, roasted potato, tomato sauce, popcorn, corn slices, roasted corn, sweet potato pudding, roasted sweet potato, cold vegetables, fried eggs, vegetable meat, vegetable meat Egg rolls, egg fried rice, boiled eggs, pudding, hot milk, sushi, cream grilled bread, toast, French toast, fish fillet, fish, assorted sushi, pizza, udon, curry Udon, sky -flicker gong cover rice, rice乌冬烧、荞面条、天麸罗面、干烧伊面、天麸罗、筑前煮、烤年糕、烤饭团、粥、天麸罗饭、鸡蛋饭、大学芋、炸肉饼、鱼糕、 Cookies, ice cream, cakes, hot cakes, small fish, medium fish, big fish, spring sun, summer sun, autumn sun, winter sun, three -color flower, moon tears, cat mint, cyan fantasy Grass, red fantasy grass, copper, silver, gold, secret silver, Ourha steel, diamond, sage stone, moon stone, desert rose stone, agate, fluorite, olives, Alexander
hate: um ~ What should I do? I don't like this.
This cucumber, curry rice, fried rice, pot bakery, pickled radish, grilled eggplant, cream, curry noodles, hot buckwheat noodles, failed work , Dim Sum, Bread, Udon), waste ore, wood, feed, chicken feed
very annoying: ... uh. What is this?
weeds, stone, branches, pirate treasures, ancient fish fossils, empty pots, boots, fish bones, golden wood n
others: Thank you ... um, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry, this jewelry Very strange? I have never seen this ore!
bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches
others: Ah, this perfume! I only knew its name before, but I haven't used it. Thank you, I will use it well.
others: Is it for me? Wow, I just want it. I will keep it well.
The skirt, mask, moisturizing cream, sunscreen
This is the case, I hope it will be helpful to you!
The jewelry cannot be sold, and can be used to build a house to build a house. You can get it in the horse racing. Without jewelry, the items and birthday (including MM preferences) of all the villagers (including MM preferences) are given to MM.
Serbara (Owner of the Metallurgical House) -------- Spring 11 ---- I like rice balls, precious ore
IR (nurse) ---------- Spring 16 ---- Hot milk, moon-viewing balls, red fantasy grass
Muqi (farmer) ---------------------- ----- Spring 17 ---- I like porridge, hot spring eggs
リ リ ア (chicken boss wife) --- Spring 19 ---- I like strawberry milk, porridge x
Light blue-spring 24
Shaxia (wife of the grocery store owner) --------- Spring 30 ---- I like chocolate, cake
Field Girl) ------- Summer 03 ---- I like fried eggs, vegetable egg rolls, egg fried rice
Harris (guard) ------ Summer 04 ------- Like bread, rice ball
Kleve (church teenager) -------- Summer 06 ---- I like mushroom rice, Matsutake rice, sandwiches, fried eggs n Pakistan (library girl Father) ------- Xia 11 ---- I like plants
green-summer 16
Lin (hotel girl) ------------------------------ ----- Summer 17 ---- I like cheese, pine mushroom rice, cake
Kai (owner of Haijia) ----------- Xia 22 ---- I like fish , Wine
Thomas (Mayor) ------- Summer 25 ---- I like wine
Zak (out of the industry) -------- Xia Xia 29 ----- -Is like Udin, Fish
Gez (woodworking) ---------- Autumn 02 ----- I like
excellent (little boy) -------------------------------------------------------- -Autumn 05 ---- I like strawberry milk, sweets
yellow-autumn 10
Mana (wife of the orchard boss) ------------------------------------------------------------ -Fun 11 ---- I like fish
red —— Autumn 14
Carline (grocery house girl) --------- autumn 15--- -Is like wine, cheese, tempura, perfume
Dot (doctor) --------- Qiu 19 ---- I like medicinal materials
Carter (Protoss) ------- ----- Autumn 20 ---- I like strawberry milk
orange-winter 22
Anna (library girl Mother) --------- Qiu 23 ---- I like chocolate, wheat flour, oil
lke (the son of the owner of the chicken farm) --------- Autumn 27-- -Is like chicken feed, wine
Gray (煅 煅--) --------- Winter 06 —— Like ore
Date (hotel owner) -------------------------------------------------------- -Hou Ido
Ilian (mother-in-law) ------------- Winter 13 --- I like jewelry, wheat flour
X Cick (owner of the orchard) -------- ------冬15---喜欢酒、料理rn 霍安(中国商人)---------冬19---喜欢海盗之宝、古代化石鱼r n Mary (Library Girl) ---------- Winter 20 --- Like vegetable juice, vegetable milk, leisure tea
plum (little girl) ------------------------------------------------------------- Winter 26 --- I like strawberry milk, sweets
Jeff (grocery store owner) ---------- winter 29 --- I like vegetables, fruit juice, any health food
protagonist son- ---------喜欢蜂蜜、草莓牛奶、热牛奶rn 精灵----------------喜欢小麦粉、首饰、化妆品、裙子蜂蜜(7个Wheat flour = 350g = 1 heart)
Jewelry such as necklaces is better, each of which is 2000G. Gifts are relatively lost. Girls do not particularly like jewelry. For example, Lin, you might as well send her jewelry to send hot spring eggs.
This is the preferences of villagers' special items such as jewelry
tieba./f? KZ = 690800744
Send a few more to girls can add love, but the cost is too high or the shipment is better
These things can not add how much love with girls
, let ’s take it to ship.