1 thought on “I applied for a part -time job of sending gifts. The introducer took me 22 yuan and said that this fee will not be refunded.”
Let me tell you that the charges do not pay. Is do not do part -time part -time jobs are some intermediary advertisements. When you leave a phone call, they will tell you that there are part -time opportunities to tell you to go to their training. If you go, you will ask you to do a member card. The take -off fee for part -time jobs. If you can't do the models who persuade you not to go, that is to post money. Yes, do you have any way to get money back after 360 submitted and confiscated the agreement?
Let me tell you that the charges do not pay.
Is do not do part -time part -time jobs are some intermediary advertisements. When you leave a phone call, they will tell you that there are part -time opportunities to tell you to go to their training. If you go, you will ask you to do a member card.
The take -off fee for part -time jobs. If you can't do the models who persuade you not to go, that is to post money.
Yes, do you have any way to get money back after 360 submitted and confiscated the agreement?