5 thoughts on “How complicated is the manufacturing process used in the Beijing Winter Olympics?”

  1. In the Winter Olympics, I think it is particularly interesting, that is, the curling movement, and the curling movement is also called the noble movement. The reason why this is the title is that the curling is very valuable. Hearing this, do you know how the curling was made in the Beijing Winter Olympics?
    . The reason for the precious curling is about 12,000 in each of the curved in various international competitions, and there are about 16 curling. If you want to buy a supremacy ice, you want to buy a supreme ice. The pot to be used is about 200,000 yuan. This is very puzzled, why is the curling so expensive? This is that the materials used in the curling are different. Anyone who has observed the curling competition knows that the curling should be hit with each other during the curling competition, so which material can make the curling in a low -temperature environment and can not be cracked? The best material for making curling in the world comes from Scottish. The granite produced in this place of Scotland is thinner and does not contain Yunmu. Through practice, people have discovered that this granite is stronger than the general granite during the low temperature impact. Because raw materials monopoly builds curling to a certain extent, it is expensive.
    . The manufacturing process of the curling is relatively complicated to pick out the Scottish granite raw materials, and the curling production process is required below. The production process is very complicated, and the labor cost is high. It takes about 8 steps to make a curling, and the production of a set of curling requires 5 skilled workers, and it takes 3 days, and the manufacturing technology of the curling is also monopolized in the hands of the three companies. Among them, the Caspot Factory of these three companies selected 96 curling from the cashmeter produced and sent to the curling competition in the Beijing Winter Olympics.
    This is the reason why curling is very high, but fortunately, a good curling can be used for a lifetime, which reduces the expenses of the Olympic Games to a certain extent.

  2. The manufacturing process of processing curling is very complicated, because the curling can only be made with one material, and this material is only available in one factory, and it is necessary to rely on manually to polish and treat it in the process of making the curling. And the size of each curling is exactly the same, and hundreds of curling will be made each year, but in the end, there can only be less than 100 curling to enter the competition venue.

  3. The production process is very complicated. First of all, you must choose a suitable granite, and then grind the granite into a smooth pot. It also needs to be polished and polished. There are many production processes.

  4. The production process is very complicated. It is made of granite and needs specific means and equipment to complete the production, and its cost cost is very high, and the material is very special.

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