4 thoughts on “Now open a small bag processing factory, do you have experienced friends, please help analyze it. Thank you”
I don't know if there are customers in your own hands. This is the first condition for the factory to have. If so, it depends on this customer to produce a lot every month. If there are more than four containers a month, you can earn money and stable. If the customer is unstable, it is recommended that you do not open it. Because the situation is very bad this year, the cost is high. The business is not optimistic now, so you need to consider it carefully. If you have done it in the luggage industry for several years and have your own stable customers, you can do it. This is my personal point of view. I am also in the luggage industry. Now I do n’t have much profit for luggage. Unless you make high -end luggage, but now foreign purchasing power is limited and sales are also a big problem.
I don't know if there are customers in your own hands. This is the first condition for the factory to have. If so, it depends on this customer to produce a lot every month. If there are more than four containers a month, you can earn money and stable. If the customer is unstable, it is recommended that you do not open it. Because the situation is very bad this year, the cost is high. The business is not optimistic now, so you need to consider it carefully. If you have done it in the luggage industry for several years and have your own stable customers, you can do it. This is my personal point of view. I am also in the luggage industry. Now I do n’t have much profit for luggage. Unless you make high -end luggage, but now foreign purchasing power is limited and sales are also a big problem.
There is a prospect, but the premise is that you have good technical workers and a good supplier. Now do computer bags, women's bags can be processed.
I do it for you, there are many lists for many years! Good quality
Do a specific market survey. The supply and marketing situation must be considered. It's fierce ~